Track: Knee Arthroplasty

Knee Arthroplasty


Knee arthroplasty, also known as knee replacement surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged or diseased knee joint with artificial components. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals suffering from severe knee pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, or avascular necrosis of the knee. 

Advanced knee arthroplasty techniques have revolutionized the field of joint replacement surgery, offering patients personalized care and improved outcomes. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques utilize smaller incisions and computer-assisted navigation or robotic technology to enhance surgical precision and minimize tissue trauma, resulting in reduced pain and faster recovery times. Patient-specific implants (PSI) are custom-designed to match the patient's unique anatomy, providing better fit and alignment, which can optimize joint function and longevity. Advanced implant materials, including durable alloys and high-density polyethylene, offer superior wear resistance and implant stability, reducing the risk of complications and revision surgery. Biologic solutions, such as bone grafts and tissue engineering, promote tissue regeneration and implant integration, further enhancing post-operative recovery and outcomes. Customized rehabilitation protocols and outpatient rapid recovery programs focus on early mobilization and functional training, facilitating a smooth transition to home-based rehabilitation and improving patient satisfaction. Overall, these advancements in knee arthroplasty represent a significant step forward in joint replacement surgery, offering patients improved quality of life and long-term joint health.

Rehabilitation and physical therapy play a crucial role in the recovery process following knee arthroplasty. Patients are encouraged to begin gentle exercises and range-of-motion activities under the guidance of a physical therapist to promote healing, strengthen the surrounding muscles, and improve joint flexibility. Gradually, patients progress to more advanced exercises aimed at restoring full function and mobility in the operated knee.

·        Knee Anatomy & Biomechanics
·        Adult Knee Evaluation
·        Adult Knee Conditions
·        Non-TKA Treatment Options
·        TKA Preoperative Planning
·        TKA Primary Techniques
·        TKA Postoperative Care
·        TKA Acute Complications
·        TKA Chronic Complications
·        TKA Revision Techniques
·        Practice Management
·        Emerging Technologies

Related Societies: Asia Pacific Hip Society | Asia Pacific Knee Society | Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association | Asian Federation of Sports Medicine | Asian Pacific Orthopedic Association | Asian Shoulder Association | Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society | Association for the Study and Application of the Method of Ilizarov International and External Fixation | Association of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation of Armenia | Association of Orthopaedists and Traumatologists of the Russian Federation