Urpinder Grewal
Urpinder Grewal

Royal Sussex County Hospital, United Kingdom

Participating in the conference offered a truly enriching experience, providing valuable interactions with speakers from diverse geographical backgrounds. The opportunity to acquire insights into the latest advancements in Arthroplasty and Orthopedic Surgery through high-caliber presentations and  ensuring that the content remained both informative and current.

Tetiana Zub
Tetiana Zub

Dnipro State Medical University, Ukraine

Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you for your invaluable assistance in preparing the technical aspects of my participation. The Arthroplasty 2023 webinar was a delightful experience for me, both as a scientist and in terms of language practice. The webinar format proved to be very convenient for participation. It was an excellent idea to incorporate a webinar as part of the conference, allowing everyone to take part. I wish continued prosperity to the conference and future webinars.